Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
July 2, 2023
Ideal Luxury seo case study
Ideal Luxury – SEO Case study
February 10, 2022
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Siegel Jewelers – SEO case Study


For the time of more than 35+ years has been in the industry of diamond jewelry. We were successful in increasing their jewelry revenue by 26%(approx), Impression by 35% and CTR up to 47% due to the SEO marketing services. 



Type Diamond Jewelry
Location Target World
People Target 25 Age Above(Men & Women)
Client Industry Ecommerce
Business Type B2B, B2C
Services Provided Digital Marketing
Marketing Duration July 2019 to 2020


The diamond jeweler chose us for the SEO marketing services because they wanted to increase the drive conversions and site users.  The customer base of Siegel Jewelers is pretty loyal because it has been around for over 30+ years.

They were bringing in great revenues through the emails. Despite these things, the open and click rates were very less. The email of Siegel Jewelers was not working as they could because multiple versions triggering. 


The task that our team completed included fixing the server's errors, implementing breadcrumbs, promoting financing options that were available, and fixing some inconsistencies on the About Us page. 

The first thing that we started was cleaning and segmenting their technical terms for their SEO campaign. To increase the engagement we created a visually appealing landing page. We have to make sure that there were no multiple pages for the same product categories that were visited by the users. With the help of re-write, re-design, and A/B testing we were able to optimize. 


siegeljewelers traffic

The team of Flexforce PRO was able to increase organic traffic by 35%. The new organic user increased up to 25% to 23k as compared to the last year. We were able to improve the organic transactions by 28% and organic revenue by 24% . 

We were also successful in increasing the conversion rates from the email campaigns. The revenue from the automations increased by 12%. We were able to see an increase of 15% in revenue per recipient. The click rates were increased by 67% and the campaign open rates by 89%. 

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